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More Than Just Ladybits And Dudejunk

Those who’ve followed the career of “Hurricane” Erika Moen¹ know that she’s got a myriad of artistic talents besides drawing folks gettin’ it on for your entertainment and edification². She does awesomely classy, vaguely antique-y prints and paintings (many featuring gold leaf accent) on subjects as varied as octopi and vegetables, and/or using the motifs of religious iconography. She tells tales of her life, leaving nothing behind as she tells us who she is, what she experiences, and how she sees the world.

And lately, she’s been doing a lot of needlework, with delicate and beautiful renditions of plants. Even more lately, she’s combined several of these outlets — needlework, plants, how she sees the world — with her support of health causes (sexual and otherwise) in general, and a dose of righteous anger over a shameful incident t’other night. Even better, she’s sharing:

As soon as I heard that phrase, I knew I had to commit it to stitches– but the words by themselves, though powerful, looked a bit empty floating in space all alone. So then I thinks to myself, I thinks “What do I love to embroider? FLOWERS, motherfucker!” After considering a few different species known for their hardiness (Or should I say … their persistence?) I decided on the noble thistle. She’s tough as nails, has a plan, and will draw blood if you try to grab her with your bare hands. Yeah. The thistle is my flower of choice for this project.

I was super flattered to get several requests to share my design with my fellow embroidery enthusiasts! So yeah! I’mma do that! But first, I ask that you follow these instructions:

  1. Before downloading this pattern, you must donate at least $5 to International Women’s Health Coalition.
  2. You will use this design for personal use only, not for profit or commercial use.

[emphasis original]

If you like needlework (or you like somebody that does needlework), the link to the design of the PDF is at her site; she even includes links to needlework resources in case you’re new to all of this. Patterns, I’m told, can go for quite a bit more than five bucks, and usually don’t financially support such a worthy cause, so get to donating, downloading, stitching, knotting, and hopefully not too much finger-sticking and bleeding³.

Spam of the day:

I used to drink every day of my life until I woke up in an ambulance with a seizure. I flatlined that day. I was dead for a couple minutes. I woke up and realized I had a problem.

Dude, I am an EMT, you do not simply wake up with a seizure in an ambulance after flatlining. Save that shit for movies and TV that don’t know any better in shilling your shitty alleged rehab services.

¹ So named because she is a friggin’ force of nature.

² Not to diminish the fact that her husband, Matthew Nolan; is an equal contributor to Oh Joy, Sex Toy; today we’re talking about her specific artistic history.

³ If you do bleed, use cold water or club soda, and maybe a little baking soda paste to get stains out of your canvas. Either that or own it and let the world know Yeah, I bled to make this, muthascratchers. Deal or get out.

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