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Always Wanted My Own ‘Verse

Yes, yes, I know — no proof that John Allison meant me in particular with today’s strip, but you know what? Gary is an endangered name, practically to the point where my fellow Garies and I deserve protection under CITES; statistically, there aren’t that many other dudes named Gary it could refer to, so please remember to check in at passport control when entering the Garyverse.

Spam of the day:

Je suis a la recherche d’un rendement pour nos patrimoines immobilier soit une villa J’ai entendu parlé de défiscalisation donc, je viens vers vous pour essayer de comprendre la marché de toulouse J’ai bien prit toutes les informations, je voudrai tout simplement avoir des avis des gens qui en profitez déjà. merci de votre aidee et de donner des informations sur calcul taux de rentabilité immobilier

Pierre, I think this one’s for you.

¹ Newcombe engines, whalebone hoopskirt stays, saltpeter, and/or chimney urchins are the traditional gifts one exchanges at this time.

² Obligatory disclaimer: he hosts Fleen, is the one responsible for me blogging in the first place, and having recently cheated death, is apparently indestructible in the face of all enemies, external and internal.

Oh, brother. Here’s everything I know about Toulouse’s real estate market:
– many people in the area work for Airbus.

There, you should be good to go now.

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