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This day in Great Outdoor Fight history: Ray shows surprising ingenuity in a moment of crisis, takes action, and surprises the hell out of Beef (who until now has been the master planner and anticipator of every possible outcome). We are all surprised.

We have mentioned on this page, some few times, that The Nib will be returning from the dead and taking up residence in the First Look Media family (home of The Intercept, amongst other sites). Nib generalissimo Matt Bors has managed to re-obtain the services of Eleri Harris Matt Lubchansky to help on the editorial side, and they’d like to get your pitches even if you aren’t named Matt:

We’re looking to publish the absolute best journalism, political satire and non-fiction comics, ones that grapple with the big issues of the day and the ones that haven’t been given enough attention?—?subjects that could benefit from coverage in comics form and touch on politics and culture in interesting ways.

Take a look back at the sort of work that The Nib published before its hiatus, and you’ll have an idea of what they’re looking for now: meticulous reporting that evokes righteous outrage; voices speaking on topics normally whispered because tradition and etiquette have demanded it; facts that you never learned in school; history as it’s happening; debunking of myths that kill.

And, because Matt, Eleri, and Matt were too polite to say in that post: they pay. Get opinionated, get irritated, don’t forget to be funny. And because Bors, Harris, and Lubchansky¹ are serious about having a wide variety of points of view, they’ll no doubt be including work from people that drive you (or at least me) up the wall and make you wonder Couldn’t they have written that check to somebody not worthless?


Because as much as creators like _______ and _________² piss me the hell off, I’m glad to see them on The Nib and hate-read them. It keeps me sharp to pick apart crappy arguments. It challenges me to make my own beliefs more logically coherent and truer to reality. And, as a friend of mine pointed out years ago when Pat Fucking Buchanan was running for president, it’s better to have your opponents in plain sight where you can keep an eye on them³ instead of letting them fester in the dark, unminded and up to who knows what.

Did I mention that they pay? Because they pay. Read the entire call so you know what they’re looking for and don’t waste their time, then contact them with pitches at thenib, which may be found at firstlook, a damn fine .organization.

Also, let me recommend that Matt Inman to do something in the vein of his Trump Armband for The Nib, because damn.

Spam of the day:

Lost in a tangle of bodies, two bad things happened to Arizona in the Pac 12 semifinals

I don’t know what any of that means, but it sounds hot.

¹ Not a law firm, but maybe it should be.

² No names, I’m trying to stay positive here, but assume that I hate whoever you hate and we’ll be besties.

³ Which is why I am — and you’ll never hear me use these words in any other context — grateful for Donald Trump’s current run for the White House. Because he is dragging out into the light a lot of people I should be keeping an eye on, most of whom work for him. And because if we want to have a better world, we need to keep an eye on those who would fracture it for their own short-term self-interest.

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