At Least Three Points Makes A Trend
Sometimes, it’s the things that you didn’t even look for that you realize you wanted the most. After a series of tentative steps back into comicking — new art, new blogs — Achewood has come back with three new strips in three weeks. Reached for comment, Achewood fan and Fleen editor Gary Tyrrell described himself as cautiously optimistic.
The hiatus — unlooked-for when it happens, often equally unlooked-for when it ends — it by no means a phenomenon unique to the knuckleheads of Achewood Heights. The various denizens of Ubersoft have spent long stretches apart from prying eyes, but just as Achewood was getting back up to speed, Help Desk has not only been dropping new strips, but has done so daily this week. Regard: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and today. The strips are listed as being one-off rather than part of a storyline, but one likes to think that just perhaps we’ll get a nice chunk of tech support shenanigans to make the dreary wintertide less dreary.
Fleen thanks Chris Onstad and Christopher B Wright for their efforts, and appreciates any future strips in advance.
Spam of the day:
From hair oil to cricket, wherever Amitabh Bachchan has his name hooked up in just one way or perhaps the other he assures achievement.
Congratulations on both getting back to comicking as well as getting Fleen to cover it! ;) Us old-timers have to stick together!
By Steve Troop on 01.10.16 4:19 pm
The above comments are owned by whoever posted them. The staff of Fleen are not responsible for them in any way.