Somewhere, Vince Guaraldi Is Playing Christmastime Is Here To Babies
It’s maybe the most melancholy holiday song ever written — a little mournful, a little slow, and perfectly befitting the mood as toutes les bandes desinée-web watches shipping deadlines pass and thinks to itself, Time for a breather. You get a Kickstarter message here or there that says Last chance to update your shipping address! or All backer rewards should be in the shipping channel by now!. Maybe a note about upcoming reductions in posting frequency until the festivities are done. You know — mid-December.
- Some are even slacking off on drawing new strips entirely, but a) have the best possible
excusereason, and b) a buffer that reaches past the next equinox, so that’s okay. In fact, let’s look at the complete family portrait since It’s Babies!! (two exclamations for two babies) a week ago: proud parents David and Maggie Willis, reasonably (if temporarily) content human children Dash and Chase¹. I am as non-theist as they come, but that picture of mom, dad, kid, and other kid is a goddamned miracle, and I will fight any man-jack that says different. Happy first Christmas, kids. Stay warm. - Some are feeling the spirit of Janus, who looks both back at the year finishing and forward at that yet to come. Some are looking further down the next year than others, as plans become announcements become action become (eventually) delightful books by Kate Beaton featuring King Baby, ’round about the equinox after the last one we mentioned. Lots of equinoxes and babies today, huh?
Anyway, I suspect that the title-not-yet-revealed King Baby book will be at least as charming as The Princess And The Pony was. Dare we hope that this time next year will feature King Baby plushes to go along with the Fat Pony plushes? Okay, given that King Baby is based on Beaton’s nephew that might be weird, but imagine when he grew up and you got to tell him There are a few thousand well-worn and well-loved plushes in this world that exist because of you. That might be worth some weirdness.
Spam of the day:
If unable to spot the C0MMERCIAL.Advertisement under? Try to inspect this url.
Pardon me if I don’t click a link explicitly described as a commercial for a personal injury lawyer. I mean, unless it’s the greatest lawyer commercial ever. It’s almost as good as Chuck Testa.
¹ Or maybe Chase and Dash? I mean, babies are all pretty much interchangeable, right?
[…] Last week at this time we at Fleen mentioned that Kate Beaton had teased us with the first news of her next childrens book, King Baby. From Publishers Weekly, we can now add a more complete cover image (above) and some details like exactly how long we’ll have to wait to get the book (272 days; look for it on 13 September). I’m confident in predicting it will be at least as wonderful as The Princess And The Pony¹. […]
By Fleen: Try Our Thick, Creamy Shakes » Old Friends on 12.16.15 4:04 pm
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