No Time, Have To Get To The Airport
I just want to update my incomplete impressions of Seconds from yesterday, then I can start the mad dash of work and travel that will end sometime tomorrow morning when I fall exhausted into my bed.
- Firstly, it was a deeply, deeply satisfying read. There was an obvious — almost trite — approach to a story about changing your own life that Bryan Lee O’Malley could have taken, and he didn’t. He produced a story that was genuine and moving but not maudlin, and he got there honestly. I will be reading it at least twice more in my immediate travels — and I suspect I will find more to like on each reading.
- Secondsly, I neglected to fully mention O’Malley’s creative team, due to not having the book handy. Jason Fischer assisted on the art, Nathan Fairbairn handled colors, and the previously-mentioned Dustin Harbin lettered. They were all at the top of their respective games.
Okay, gotta bounce; irregular posting schedule for the next week-plus, as I navigate SDCC ’14.
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