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Pretty Good Company There

To Fool or Not to Fool? Chris Crosby pointed us all towards an April Fool’s gag that wasn’t, with the announcement that his brother, the loquacious Bobby Crosby, scored a Hollywood deal. Check it:

Benderspink is adapting Last Blood, based on Bobby Crosby’s comicbook centered on a band of vampires protecting the Earth’s last human survivors of a zombie apocalypse.

Last Blood was co-created by siblings Bobby Crosby and Chris Crosby but Bobby penned the comicbook alone.

Benderspink has a variety of comicbook properties set up including “Power and Glory” and “Y: The Last Man” at New Line.

Now before you run out to buy tickets, be aware that the road from option to actual movie is long, twisted, and madness-making (cf: the excellent Fortune and Glory by Brian Bendis for a primer of the non-logic that is Hollywood). But for now, Fleen congratulates Los Bros Crosby on their achievement.

While terms of the deal have not been announced, it looks like Ted Rall’s assertion that There is no chance of any webcartoonist becoming a millionaire is on shakier ground than it was just five days ago.



Here’s how it looked in the print edition (page 5):

Vampires who keep humans alive during a zombie apocalypse to have a blood supply is pretty fucking brilliant. I have to admit.

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